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"Tongling Yusheng" professional flute instrument bitter bamboo flute value examination students flute refined flute

Information du vendeur

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 产品介绍 :本款竹笛由宇声笛箫员工精心制作而成,选材做工精细、音准音色通透性灵敏度十分出色。传统的外观设计,精美的做工,体现出竹笛的悠久文化。宇声在制作过程中,认真选材,精心多次调音,确保竹笛质量,并以专业笛的品质,学习笛的价格,回馈广大笛友,

  赠品介绍 赠明贵笛膜一包、锦套一条、固体笛膜胶一块、笛膜保护器一个、中国结一个、指法表一张,塑料包装盒


[sku_label] => Array ( [1627207] => Array ( [0] => 1246630781 [1] => 5520781907 [2] => 5520781908 [3] => 5520781909 [4] => 5520781910 [5] => 5520781911 [6] => 459018632 [7] => 5520781912 [8] => 5520781913 [9] => 5520781914 [10] => 5520781915 [11] => 5520781916 ) ) )
USD 37.619
1 Piece
Frais de transport intérieur en chine
$0 vers BuyToMe (2-5days)
Color classification
Quantité en inventaire 661

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